What Lies Beneath: My Life as a Forensic Search and Rescue Expert

What Lies Beneath: My Life as a Forensic Search and Rescue Expert
Autor Peter Faulding
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vazba: brožovaná
Počet stran: 290
Rok vydání: 2024
Běžná cena: 299 Kč
Sleva: 28%
Naše cena: 215 Kč
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NÁŠ TIP: Zaplatím, až knihu doma otevřu (platbu naleznete v košíku)
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doručíme 10.07.2024 (ST)
Rozměry: 197x130x22mm
Váha: 242g
Nakladatel: Pan MacMillan
EAN: 9781035005932
Kód DN00489787

'From cold cases and serial killers to the death of a spy, Peter's true life story is as gripping as the finest thriller' - Peter James, author of Picture You DeadDiscover the truth beyond the police tape in What Lies Beneath, the arresting memoir of murder, investigation and justice from Peter Faulding, a world-leading forensic search expert.Recovering bodies, finding discarded remains, identifying unmarked graves and saving people from locations and situations too dangerous for the normal emergency services - all in a day's work for Peter Faulding.From removing protestors from inside dangerous tunnels to the scenes of some of the UK's most notorious crimes, he describes how he has developed into a highly regarded and highly skilled search specialist, whose job is to assist investigators and police as they search crime scenes and bring serial killers to justice.Peter gives new details on some of the country's most harrowing murder cases (including that of serial killer Peter Tobin, the Nicola Payne case and the Helen McCourt murder), sheds new light on mysterious deaths (including MI6 worker Gareth Williams) and details the incredible lengths he goes to when helping investigators.Get ready to join Britain's most extraordinary forensic search expert on his journey through deadly booby-trapped tunnel systems, into dark waters that hold horrific secrets, through uninviting crime scenes and into the minds of killers.

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PPL na Slovensku PPL na Slovensku 199 Kč* 12.07.2024 (PÁ)
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Česká pošta PPL Zásilkovna
79 Kč 95 Kč 69 Kč

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