Six More Months of June: The Must-Read Romance of the Summer!

Six More Months of June: The Must-Read Romance of the Summer!
Autor Daisy Garrison
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vazba: brožovaná
Počet stran: 288
Rok vydání: 2024
Běžná cena: 269 Kč
Sleva: 28%
Naše cena: 194 Kč
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NÁŠ TIP: Zaplatím, až knihu doma otevřu (platbu naleznete v košíku)
Když nyní objednáte,
doručíme 10.07.2024 (ST)
Rozměry: 197x130x33mm
Váha: 220g
Nakladatel: Hachette Children's Group
EAN: 9781444977110
Kód DN00492247

The exhilarating highs and messy lows that encapsulate the end of high-school come together in this immersive YA romance debut. With Mina and Caplan on the cusp of new beginnings, what does this mean for their friendship..?Mina has a stern face, long braid, and an attitude that has only got worse since her dad died.Caplan is the golden boy, complete with a vast social circle and an on-again/off-again girlfriend who hates Mina's guts.They're neighbours and somehow, despite all their differences, have always understood each other the most. But then in the last few weeks of high school, everything turns on its head. It's a shock when Caplan's best-friend Quinn confesses he wants to take Mina to the prom. It's an even bigger shock when she says yes.With the social hierarchy out the window and everybody on the brink of a new beginning, Mina finds herself opening up in ways she was too anxious to before. It turns out, everyone thinks she's pretty cool. But just because Mina's relationship with the world is changing, it doesn't mean anything has to change between her and Caplan's relationship. . . right? Opposites attract The girl/boy-next-door Intense chemistry Dual narrative Multi-dimensional side-characters? Friends to lovers

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PPL na Slovensku PPL na Slovensku 199 Kč* 12.07.2024 (PÁ)
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