One by One: From the Sunday Times Bestselling Author of The Housemaid

One by One: From the Sunday Times Bestselling Author of The Housemaid
Autor Freida McFadden
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vazba: brožovaná
Počet stran: 260
Rok vydání: 2024
Běžná cena: 269 Kč
Sleva: 28%
Naše cena: 194 Kč
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NÁŠ TIP: Zaplatím, až knihu doma otevřu (platbu naleznete v košíku)
Když nyní objednáte,
doručíme 09.07.2024 (ÚT)
Rozměry: 197x129x22mm
Váha: 196g
Nakladatel: Sourcebooks
EAN: 9781464221392
Kód DN00490125

From New York Times bestselling author Freida McFadden comes a dark, twisting thriller about a group of friends lost in the woods: one by one, they each will fall, and only the killer will return home alive...A night spent sleeping on dirt and leaves is not how Claire Matchett expected to spend her vacation. She thought this would be a break from the stresses of work and raising her young children. A chance to repair her damaged marriage. A week of hiking and hot tubs with friends. It sounded like heaven.Then Claire's minivan breaks down on a lonely dirt road. With no cell reception, the group has no choice but to hike the rest of the way to their hotel. But it turns out the woods aren't as easy to navigate as they thought. Hours later, they are lost. Hopelessly lost.And as they navigate deeper into the woods, the members of their party are struck down mysteriously one by one. Has a wild animal been hunting them? Or is the hunter one of them?But as more time passes, one thing becomes clear: Only one of them will return home alive.

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PPL na Slovensku PPL na Slovensku 199 Kč* 11.07.2024 (ČT)
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