K-Pop Revolution

K-Pop Revolution
Autor Stephan Lee
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vazba: brožovaná
Počet stran: 359
Rok vydání: 2022
Naše cena: 395 Kč
Odesíláme do 3 dnů
Přidat do košíku
NÁŠ TIP: Zaplatím, až knihu doma otevřu (platbu naleznete v košíku)
Když nyní objednáte,
doručíme 08.07.2024 (PO)
Rozměry: 209x144x22mm
Váha: 292g
Nakladatel: Scholas
EAN: 9781338751130
Kód DN00452751

She thought that debuting in a K-Pop band was the finish line, but it was only the beginning. Because now it's not only Candace's company judging her--it's the entire world. How will she find the courage to stand by her beliefs, even when powerful forces are trying to shame and silence her... In the sequel to K-Pop Confidential, Candace is a Rookie idol. Her life is suddenly filled with the fans, cameras, and glamor of stardom: She and her boyfriend, YoungBae, are a K-Pop power couple; she's a walking icon at Brandt Foreign School; and her new girl group, known simply as THE GIRLS, is poised to break records across the industry. With her status as the industry's K-Pop Warrior, she has all the clout at her disposal to make waves. Right? Her label, S.A.Y., promises to help make the sweeping changes for the industry to become a more humane and compassionate place for artists. But what will happen when the road to a record-breaking debut isn't as smooth as they'd planned? When a rival girl group emerges to steal the spotlight, carrying the message of change better than Candace ever could, she'll have to decide what it'll cost her and her bandmates to stand up for their beliefs. And as the world turns against her, with online bullies scrutinizing her every word, there's only so much that one person can take. From the top of the world to the brink of disaster, Candace is going to have to figure out why the world is out to get her. And she's not going to be able to do it alone. How far does one girl need to be pushed to start a K-Pop Revolution?

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PPL na Slovensku PPL na Slovensku 199 Kč* 09.07.2024 (ÚT)
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