Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Approaches, Assessment and Application

Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Approaches, Assessment and Application
Autor Darla Deardorff
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vazba: brožovaná
Počet stran: 311
Rok vydání: 2017
Naše cena: 1 252 Kč
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Rozměry: 234x139x28mm
Váha: 508g
Nakladatel: Taylor & Francis Inc
EAN: 9781138693852
Kód DN00481438

Intercultural Competence in Higher Education features the work of scholars and international education practitioners in understanding the learning outcomes of internationalization, moving beyond rhetoric to concrete practice around the world.Devoted exclusively to exploring the central learning outcomes of internationalization efforts, this edited volume contains a refreshing combination of chapters and case studies from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural contributors, including: cutting-edge issues within intercultural competence development, such as intersectionality, mapping intercultural competence, and assessment; the role of higher education in developing intercultural competence for peacebuilding in the aftermath of violent conflict; facilitating intercultural competence through international student internships; interdisciplinary and cross-cultural contributions from over 19 countries including Japan, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, and Vietnam; the latest research and thinking on global, intercultural, and international learning outcomes, with a unique emphasis on newer voices. Intercultural competence has become an essential element in international as well as domestic education. This text provides the latest thinking and research within the context of internationalization, presents practical case studies on how to integrate this into the preparation of global-ready students and will be of interest to postgraduate students, international education administrators, and practitioners, as well as scholars and researchers in a variety of disciplines who have an interest in intercultural and global competence.

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