Amazing Animal Journeys: The Most Incredible Migrations in the Natural World

Amazing Animal Journeys: The Most Incredible Migrations in the Natural World
Autor Philippa Forrester
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vazba: vázaná
Počet stran: 176
Rok vydání: 2023
Běžná cena: 599 Kč
Sleva: 29%
Naše cena: 428 Kč
Odesíláme do 3 dnů
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NÁŠ TIP: Zaplatím, až knihu doma otevřu (platbu naleznete v košíku)
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doručíme 09.07.2024 (ÚT)
Rozměry: 288x236x22mm
Váha: 1172g
Nakladatel: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
EAN: 9780241512906
Kód DN00417196

Join animals on epic adventures, and travel through the natural world with them. Across the world, billions of animals are embarking on incredible journeys. Many are in search of food, some are looking for a mate, lots are heading to a warmer climate, and others are just seeking a new home. Follow the mass migrations of entire species with amazing facts and maps that tell the stories of nature's most amazing journeys. Discover the record-breaking flight of the Arctic Tern, who travels from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back every year, the sharks that follow plankton for enormous distances from the ocean depths to the surface from night to day, spiderlings that shoot strands of thread into the air and ride them like a balloon in the wind to new islands, the mites that hitchhike on beaks of hummingbirds to be carried to new locations, the millions of wildebeest following the rain across the Serengeti, or the Monarch butterflies who use Earth's magnetic field to trace a path along the west coast of North America.

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